Biblically Responsible Investing
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them… Ephesians 5:11 (ESV)
Portfolios Built on Biblical Values
Have you ever researched the companies in your investment portfolio? At WSI Financial Partners, LLC we believe you should know and be proud of the investments you own. We guide you in investing in quality companies operating with high ethical and moral standards from both a financial and values-based perspective while accomplishing good around the world.
Our goal is to select companies that align with Biblical values. We avoid companies who are generating sales from abortion, pornography, alcohol, gambling, tobacco and anti-family entertainment and values. Companies who use their profits to support agendas which do not line up with Holy Scripture and our call as His servants are also excluded.
Biblically Responsible Investing isn’t a new concept, rather it started with a mutual fund for a church retirement plan back in the mid-90’s. Since then, more and more tools, systems, processes, and technology have allowed Biblically Responsible Investing to explode worldwide in a movement changing how believers invest the gifts/resources God has given them to steward.

We weren’t necessarily taught BRI in church or in bible studies. Immediately upon hearing the issues we had in our own personal investment portfolios and hearing the BRI message, investors have had the same reaction we did when we first were introduced to Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI). When introduced to the concept your eyes can be opened to BRI. We believe and trust God will reveal to you in a personal and distinct way today how you should see your investments going forward.

We are thankful for the opportunity to share what God has put on our hearts and our mission to inform believers we meet about the process and concept of Biblically responsible Investing.

Schedule a Biblically Responsible Investing Discovery Call